

Web- based Lessons
The impact of nontraditional classroom from the one we know already, with board and chalk, is today out of the context and has become more evident as time elapses. This fact obeys to the available tools we have today to teach better. We come up then with Web-based lessons. They are just lessons that incorporate a Web site or many Web sites, can be conducted entirely online or it can be a traditional classroom lesson with an online component into the teaching and learning processes. The opportunities that arise by using the Web in the classroom bring up new opportunities since provide a variety and scope of resources and information on the Web and additionally can inspire original activities and facilitate the creation of lessons related to any subject. They make possible also the interactive communication through the Internet and collaboration between students, teachers and others into the learning process (worled.org).

The word “portfolio” in education is connected to “a collection of work that a learner has collected, selected and organized, reflected upon and presented to understanding and growth over time. Additionally, a critical component of a portfolio is the combination of a learner’s reflection on the individual pieces of work (artifacts), as well as an overall reflection on the story the portfolio tells” (Barrett, 2006 p.1). An e-portfolio furthermore, can be seen then “as a type of learning record that provides actual evidence of achievement and an extent for a Personal Learning Environment which captures and displays a learning record” (wikipedia.org). E-portfolios, like traditional portfolios, can facilitate students' reflection on their own learning, leading to more awareness of learning strategies and needs. In electronic portfolios (e-portfolios) additionally, works are made out of electronic evidences that a user produces and manages, usually on the Web. The electronic works may include inputted text, electronic files, images or multimedia among other artifacts. In both, portfolios and e-portfolios the student’s demonstrate their abilities to construct their own knowledge.

·         Barrett, H. (2006) Using Electronic Portfolios for Classroom Assessment. [On line journal]. Connected Newsletter 13, 2 October 2006. Available: http://electronicportfolios.com/portfolios/ConnectedNewsletter-final.pdf. Source consulted:  [2011, July, 20th]
·         Electronic Portfolio [on line wiki] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_portfolio.  [Resource consulted 2011, July 20th]
·         Developing  Web-lesson Plans [On line document]. Available: http://tech.worlded.org/docs/surfing/section5.htm. Source consulted:  [2011, July, 20th]

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